Free RV Parking Options: Parks, Side Streets, Vacant Lots

Sep. 14 2021 News By Campers RV Center

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the options you have if you're looking for free RV parking during a vacation. While some prefer to budget for parking at specific RV spots, others prefer to go a bit cheaper and park for free -- and there are several options at your disposal here if you're going this route.

At Campers RV Center & Powersports, we're happy to not only offer a wide range of new and used RVs and travel trailers, but also advice and expertise on every part of your RV usage -- including themes like free parking as you traverse the country. Here are several other options you might consider if this is your goal.

City Parks

Depending on which state and city you're in, there may be various parks that you can visit -- for free! In the city of Orlando, Florida, for example, there are over 20 parks that come with this type of perk. You may be required to obtain a parking permit in some cases; however, others simply want you to observe certain hours and rules so as not to inconvenience other visitors at these locations.

One important tip for RV parking in city parks: Be sure your RV is secure. Crime rates can be high in these kinds of areas, so take whatever precautions you deem necessary.

Side Streets

There are also certain cities or towns that will allow overnight parking for RVs, or will allow parking on certain days for certain numbers of hours. If this is your plan, it's vital to do your research before you leave so you know exactly which locations will work best for your travel plans -- and which allow legal parking, as you don't want to risk your RV being towed.

Vacant Lots

Finally, while there may be some slight risks involved here as well, there are many places where vacant lots are fully available for RV parking. Look for a well-lit area and avoid those with a high crime rate, as you want to ensure your safety.

If you have concerns about the laws where you're going, make sure to talk to local law enforcement before parking your RV in an isolated area. These officials will also be able to tell you which hours are legal for free parking so that you won't get a ticket.

In addition, it's important to find free RV parking that is level and clear of debris so as not to cause damage to your vehicle during a long stay.

For more on free parking for your RV, or to learn about any of our RVs for sale or other services in Shreveport, speak to the staff at Campers RV Center & Powersports today.